Thursday, October 22, 2009

Ditch the Braces! current event blog

Nowadays, there are inventions that can help cure issues. For instance, crooked or unaligned teeth can be resolved with braces. We all know what braces are and how whenever a kid opens their mouth that has them, they are easily noticeable. Some kids may not mind the braces being visible for approximately two years. However, some kids, probably older ones, would prefer not having metal attached to their teeth and having all their friends notice. As a result of these actions, a new invention was made. Or more specifically two new inventions were made. One is called Invisaline. It is a clear plastic liner in which fit right over you teeth making it unnoticeable. The other invention is braces that are on the inside of your teeth. Just like normal braces, they are made of metal and contain the need of rubber bands, but this time they correct your teeth the same way, but just from the inside. With three choices of correcting mechanics, some questions may come to mind. For, example if the amount of time shall vary for each gadget. This questioned can not precisely be answered because the reason for needing braces is different with each patient. However, in my opinion, they would most likely take about the same amount of time. All these gadgets seem equal, although the price ranges are not. With normal braces you spend less money then what you would if buying Invisaline or the braces that go on the inside of your teeth. It is the parents or child over 18's decision on what type of braces they would prefer. If it were be i would want the Invisaline because if seem the most comfortable. In addition, I find the idea for adding more choices of braces types exquisite to be rather helpful. My thoughts are that now more people can have a perfect smile without going through having metal in your mouth, or metal being shown in your mouth, and that is a great thing.

Click here
to view the 'Ditch the Brace Face Video'


thundersoftball1429 said...

I liked this blog! I thought you described each type well. Also i thought that you described the reason for these two types of braces well.

jellybeanRol said...

You choose such a good topic to do your report on. I could really relate to this and therefore i was very interested in the procedures and reasons of how and why people would get these unique braces. Also, love the title!!

CoOkIeMoNsTeR said...

I liked the way that you described the different types of braces. It was very informative and I'm sure your blog will help many choose between getting braces or invisalign. Good job!

puppylover2121 said...

The way you talked about the different types of braces was cool and very interesting. I really like your blog!