Technology lately has been becoming more and more advanced. With this fact, advantages and disadvantages are included. One advantage is the being with illnesses, more cures and positive surgery results are occurring. Recently, a baby was born with Cogenital High Airway Obstruction Syndrome (CHAOS) as a newborn. This disease can be described as the fetus having a dilated trachea and the and enlarged lungs or flattened diaphragm. The mother of this baby was aware of it having this syndrome after one of her sonograms. This mother knew that she as well as her baby could be in great danger because of this. Doctors warned that this baby could either die or suffer severe brain damage. To make the baby healthy, doctors planned on performing an operation called tracheotomy while the mother was giving birth and the baby was still attached to the mothers placenta. With such a big operation, nearly three dozen doctors and nurses were needed for this operation to be a successful one. This operation was noted very risk for the reason that, it was during the process of the mother giving birth and could have caused unstoppable bleeding. However, all several doctors did an exceptional job from the Long Island Jewish Medical Center in making this surgery news breaking. Unfortunately, although healthy at this time and alive, this baby still has a report of airway blockage. This case is as well rare and only located in 50 other people across the United States. Overall, the baby and its mother are now both healthy thanks to well trained doctors and nurses and are both allowed to go home now after the babies 4 month recovery at the medical center.
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14 years ago